What We


What We Treat

Canyon Crossing Recovery is a haven for women struggling with addiction, mental illness, and trauma. No matter what obstacles they face, we can provide the support and encouragement needed to recover. Our proven approach equips women to walk with integrity and grace for the rest of their days.



Help for Women With Substance Use Disorder

No one begins drinking or using drugs with the hope of becoming addicted. Often, chemical dependence sets in before someone can realize what’s happening. Research shows that women are at particular risk for substance use disorder. Thanks to a phenomenon called “telescoping,” they are more likely to develop an addiction after using less of a substance for a shorter length of time.

At Canyon Crossing, we specialize in the successful resolution of substance use disorder. Our clinicians work with women who have developed a dependence on:

These are just a few of the addictions we’ve seen at our Arizona treatment center. Our team is equipped to help those reliant on multiple substances or drugs not listed here. To learn more, contact us and speak with one of our team members.

Women’s Mental Health Treatment

Mental illness can happen to anyone, no matter how “perfect” their life seems from the outside. Women are more likely to deal with depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions than their male counterparts. They’re also vulnerable to hormone-induced disorders like PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and postpartum depression. Because of this, it’s important that women access comprehensive, evidence-based treatment in a gender-specific environment. We provide programming for anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, and borderline personality disorder (BPD) at our mental health center. We also help those struggling with self-harm. Canyon Crossing offers two forms of mental health treatment: a standalone program for mental illness and a dual diagnosis program for those with a co-occurring substance use disorder.

Dual Diagnosis

In our years of experience, we have found that substance abuse contributes to worsened mental health. Similarly, symptoms of a condition like depression or anxiety can trigger the urge to use drugs or alcohol. To successfully overcome both issues, a customized approach is needed.

When someone is dealing with a mental illness on top of an addiction, we place them in our dual diagnosis program. This treatment path offers in-depth therapeutic intervention to simultaneously address both concerns.

In addition to the mental illnesses listed in the previous section, we offer dual diagnosis care to those dealing with addiction in combination with disordered eating and past trauma.

PTSD and Trauma Treatment for Women

Complex trauma isn’t limited to those who have served in the military. Women are at risk for PTSD resulting from domestic violence, sexual abuse, childhood neglect, a car accident, or a prolonged illness. These occurrences may leave emotional scars long after physical injuries have healed. If left unaddressed, trauma can exacerbate existing mental health concerns and catalyze substance abuse. That’s why we offer trauma-focused care at Canyon Crossing.

Our comprehensive approach includes world-renowned therapies, including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). We also empower women through a series of experiential therapies: adventures designed to build confidence and self-esteem. These modalities equip each client to believe in herself, address her trauma, and move forward.

Start Your Recovery With Us Today

ContactCanyon Crossing Recovery is based in Prescott, Arizona. Our women’s-only rehab treats the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. Whether you’re battling addiction and trauma or want to stop self-defeating behaviors, we can help. Our empathetic and experienced clinicians are standing by to speak with you. Contact us to begin your journey to recovery.

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