Eating Disorders

& Addiction

Eating Disorders& Addiction

For many women, food is a way to numb or deal with uncomfortable emotions. Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and other disordered behavior can emerge as a result of trauma or mental illness. Often, newly sober people will see an old eating disorder emerge in recovery. Other times, when there is no access to drugs or alcohol, food becomes a new coping strategy.

What WeTreat

Eating disorders may be categorized in a variety of ways. There are many common diagnoses, but sometimes, women display restrictive eating behaviors, obsession with healthful eating, or over-exercising. These behaviors may not qualify as diagnosable eating disorders, but they require professional intervention. Regardless of your situation, the Canyon Crossing team is ready to help you begin your journey to recovery.
Our team of experts provides treatment for the following eating disorders:



Treatment forEating Disorders

At Canyon Crossing, we understand that chemical addiction occurs alongside other issues. Food, along with unhealthy behaviors, can impede one’s success with recovery and sobriety. Canyon Crossing offers specialty groups dealing with body image, establishing a healthy relationship with food, and healing the damage from eating disorders.
While staying at Canyon Crossing, clients meet with a nutritionist who specializes in eating disorders. Together, they can create meal plans and new, healthy coping skills. Nutrition and wellness groups, along with yoga and outdoor adventures, help participants to get “back in the body” and heal the relationship between food, trauma, and body image.

Through our comprehensive, evidence-based program, women can utilize the tools of recovery to achieve the life they have always imagined. Recovery is possible. Call 800-651-7254 to learn more about our treatment of eating disorders and substance use disorders.

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